Hi all,

I think this is not the best example,
as VW and BMW would rather be brand=*

I thought *:sales= to be used with yes/no/used,
combined with
type=* (variants of the item which is sold)
parts=yes/no (in some cases additionally "custom")

The yes/no tags are easier to handle (for mappers)
and also for tools, as they don't have to parse everything.
The combination of yes/no values should give a picture of what is offered
(exept of "type" and "brand").


Would be the typical "no brand" - garage
which also repairs bicycles besides
and sells certain accessories.
If it would be specialised,
you could add motorcycle:type=scooter
(IMHO it would be microtagging to me more precise
regarding the kind of parts and clothes,
and it would give a mess of values).

In case of a shop=garden_centre
the (additonal) values might be


Am 04.09.2017 um 09:38 schrieb Warin:
> To put this out in the open - not to be confused with if it should be
> done,
> but rather what is better.
> So a new subject to attract attention and keep it only on what is
> better - 'Sale' or 'Sells'.
> The suggestions are to use a sub tag under shops that detail what is
> available for purchase, one side is for using 'sale' the other for
> 'sells'.
> I'll use an example of a car shop that has VW and BMW available. In an
> English sentence;
> The car shop has BMW and VW for sale.
> The car shop sells BMW and VW.
> The later sentence is simpler and more easily abbreviated to
> shop=car sells=BMW, VW
> This is also more readily understood and less confusing than
> shop=car sale=BMW, VW
> There is a confusion with the word 'sale' being commonly used with
> shops for a short term discount of goods usually to clear stock for
> another season
> e.g.
> http://www.marksandspencer.com/c/offers/sale
> http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/ms-huge-secret-sale-clothes-13459589
> Comments - ideas ??? Straw poll?
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