W dniu 26.08.2017 o 13:13, Martin Koppenhoefer pisze:
I'm rather against reduction of top level shop types, there's IMHO a clear distinction between fashion shops and boutiques, with maybe some edge cases, but still useful overall.

Could you shortly define them to see what's the general difference between those 3 tags? I think this is all "edge cases" with no core.

There are many orthogonal, specific properties tagged, e.g. target group (women, men, children, babies), for specific occasions/uses (sports/wedding/workwear), materials (denim/fur), type (underwear/lingerie). Fashion would be yet another new category in this cauldron (with 111 uses it isn't really significant).

That could be very useful - also for shoes:*=* (I've been thinking about shoes for men/women for a long time):

clothes:style=* (casual, elegant, skate...)

aything more?

But what about "fashion"? It would be not as easy to define as "second_hand".

"Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O. 

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