2017-07-04 2:38 GMT+02:00 John Willis <jo...@mac.com>:

> This particular question (how to add cycle rental to a tourist information
> office) is a symptom of a larger tagging issue in OSM - you can’t add
> multiple amenities/services that are not mappable features to most mappable
> places.

because an amenity=* is usually read as feature that is characterized / of
category *

For services offered, you need a property-like tagging scheme.

For rental this was already discussed in the past. There's also

No idea why there's a "service" prefixed, but that's the way the tag is
documented and used.

> we can map the services as stand-alonse shops,

actually with amenity=* we don't map a service, we map a feature. Provided
"services" should be mapped as properties.

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