Sounds awesome. Most of the tollway tunnels here in Japan (and we have lots and 
lots of big tunnels) are 2 major and occasionally 1 minor service/emergency 
tunnel - but usually it is a single named "tunnel", just like a bridge.

The only pushback I can see is, many times one physical tunnel is for one part 
of the traffic, and another desperate tunnel is for another direction, but the 
pair are *named* as a singular object "the foo are tunnel"  - whereas a 
singular bridge might handle 2 ways of directional traffic and a bike path and 
a sidewalk with *one piece of physical infrastructure. 

It might be noted that this is for one physical tunnel that carries 2 or more 
separates ways inside it, or a complex of tunnels collectively referred to with 
a single name. 

Good suggestion. 


> On Jun 11, 2017, at 9:23 AM, Tijmen Stam <> wrote:
> I propose a man_made=tunnel, analogous to man_made=bridge 
> <>.
> This is meant to show a tunnel outline for tunnels that have multiple 
> separate ways in them.
> Opinions?
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