On June 10, 2017 12:23:22 PM EDT, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
>On 6/9/17 5:18 PM, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> o, I forgot to include the link to the picture.
>> BTW for fire hydrants of the pillar type, it can in indicated on them
>> as well, see [2] There is a BH100 on it, so the diameter of the
>> underground pipe is 100 in this case
>in the US some localities paint their hydrants to reflect the diameter
>of the main. this is not standard so you need to check with the local
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Well, there is an NFPA color standard, IIRC, based on the flow rate of the 
largest diameter fitting on the hydrant. This is slightly different than the 
size of the main it is hooked to as a five-inch connection is going to flow 
more than a three-inch connection on the same sized main.

 I've seen this used in larger municipalities; wish it was done more.


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