Hi all

Le 21 mai 2017 21:25, "yo paseopor" <yopaseo...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Node could be in a way.
Way has a direction
We can use forward and backward keys, and also side=right/left/both to
orient the traffic_sign.

I don't support this because signs are often beside the road and not "on"
Signs as node is a good point and imho thay have to stay off the road

> Probably the most common exception in the United States is "no
> passing" signs (a common pattern is to have the sign on *both* sides of
> the road, so that someone in the process of passing a large truck will
> still see it), and the second-most-common is advisory speed limit signs
> placed on the outside of the corresponding curve.  Various
> clarification signs in close proximity to confusing intersections would
> have issues with "which road" rather than "which direction".

If the node is in a specific way this sign belongs to that way

It dosen't belong but you make implicit link between signs and road ways in

All the best

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