On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 1:37:51 PM CDT Ralph Dell wrote:
> Although I don't often reply to these threads I am going to give
> it a go and hope to be constructive in the attempt.
> If Tom Hardy <rhardy...@gmail.com> you are suggesting that
> landuse:<some adopted code>,...

Not so much suggesting as exploring the consequences of using the 
data in various ways, and the data does look useful as an aid to 
mapping.  So far, the zoning data appears to have an inexact but 
good correspondance to landuse, and I have discovered other data...

Minneapolis, MN, US data (not where I started from in this thread) 
appears to be available under CC BY SA.  Would anyone care to 
comment on applicability of CC BY SA to Openstreetmap?

My brothers house is going to get a landuse=industrial_living tag, 

Tom Hardy <rhardy...@gmail.com>

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