> On Mar 21, 2017, at 5:42 AM, Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com> wrote:
> I'm all for "Starbucks" in the same vein that we tag "Chipotle" not
> "Chipotle Mexican Grill".


I am not sure how "brand" and "official_name" work into it, but usually the 
store's name is not just "Starbucks coffee" - it usually has the place it is 
part of in it's title - Starbucks [town] [mall] - in my area it would be 
"Starbucks Power Mall Maebashi Minami". That is what it says it he name of the 
store is on their store locator, and that naming information gets passed down 
to the search and mapping sites. 


=> "Power Mall Maebashi Minami [location]" 

I usually put that into "official_name:en=" and put "Starbucks" into the 

But I do know there is also the "brand" tag to help deal with places (like 
chains) that are signed the same. Perhaps the answer lies in that combination - 
but I am unsure of how it works. 

Apple Maps uses short "brand" names and sticks with "Starbucks", while Google 
Maps lists out the gigantic names for every single shop, so Japanese Google 
Maps POI pins at a mall are super-messy and unreadable. 

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