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> On 17 Mar 2017, at 22:47, yo paseopor <> wrote:
> I don't agree with this: marking the direction of the traffic sign is not 
> noise, for a driver can be VITAL, also with the meaning of the traffic sign 
> (the main purpose of a traffic sign).

yes, it is important to be able to understand to which way (and traveling 
direction) a sign applies, but nodes do not have a forward or backward 
direction, at most they can have an upwards or downwards direction. They also 
have a front side and a back side, but generally I'd assume the tagging is 
about the front side, without specifying it.

One way to map the direction in an easy way is to map the sign at the side of 
the road.(requires post processing to use the information in a graph model). 
For a stop sign you could also make a short way for the part from the stop line 
to the actual crossing node, and add stop sign information there (either with a 
relation similar to turn restrictions or with direction dependent tags on the 

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