2017-03-12 11:14 GMT+01:00 Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org>: > +1 to drying-room=yes >> or drying-space=room >> , also it would seem to be a place to dry your motorcycle with the prefix. >> > > I see drying-space=room as being handy. Bonus round is if it starts > getting rendered in default style sheets, it makes things that much easier > for making a local branch for a convention or other event, e.g., a fursuit > or cosplay lounge with a fan rack... >
I think we have room for both and could well distinguish with different main tags places like this (collective open air place to dry washing in the sun/wind): https://farm8.static.flickr.com/7431/28074475256_12ecb3b9de_b.jpg and like this (drying room inside a facility): https://www.smartertravelworkplaces.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ESB-Partner-Site-Visit-2012..Drying-Room1.jpg Cheers, Martin
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