2017-03-12 16:10 GMT+01:00 althio <althio.fo...@gmail.com>:

> From your description, I understand that tourism=apartment is a good fit.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dapartment
> It can be "applied to a building containing one or more holiday flats".
> You can "tag an entire building in case there are several apartments
> in the building".
> tourism=apartment
> number_of_apartments=*
> capacity=*

Rather than number_of_apartments=* should be number_of_rooms=*. :)
Because it's not a building with many apartments or a single apartment or a
single family house, but a building (in a way is 'a very big apartment')
with high capacity and suited for groups (big common places rather than a
simple living room or a simple dining room).

I was trying to figure out if it could make sense to create a more specific
tag like tourism=vacation_house or tourism=holiday_house.

Maybe tourism=apartment + groups=yes...

The capacity=* tag is very useful in this case. Thank you.

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