As EV routes are not managed as single entities, every route is split in
pieces managed on a country basis. I know the situation in Italy, as I am
involved in regional and national cycle routes here. EV routes are handled
by BicItalia which is part of FIAB, the "Italian Federation of Friends of
the Bicycle". All EV routes all have also BicItalia numbering (BicItalia
routes are ncn), but it is not necessarily the case that the Italian part
of a given EV corresponds one-to-one to a BicItalia route. So it makes
sense to tag the individual EV routes in one country as one icn and to tie
these icn routes in the different countries together by a super relation.
This means that any BI route that is also part of an EV is part of at least
to bicycle route relations (it typically is also part of lower level routes.

On 5 March 2017 at 19:38, Richard Fairhurst <> wrote:

> Europe has numerous international cycle routes signposted and marketed as
> 'EuroVelo', and these are often mapped in OSM:
> Unfortunately the tagging is pretty inconsistent, especially when routes
> are shared with national/regional (NCN/RCN) routes, as is usually the case.
> Although a relation with 'network=icn' is the convention for international
> cycling routes, people do sometimes change this to 'network=ncn' and
> 'ref=EV<...>' for tagging-for-the-renderer reasons. The result is that we
> have messy and inconsistent tagging.
> At present the wiki project page doesn't have any tagging guidance:
> I would like to suggest that we formalise existing good practice by saying
> that roads/paths on a EuroVelo route should directly be part of a route
> relation. That relation should be tagged:
>         route=bicycle
>         network=icn
>         ref=11 [or whatever the EuroVelo route number is]
> Grouping several route relations together in a 'master relation' is all
> good (as these routes are often too long for one manageable relation), as
> is operator/brand tagging to indicate that this is EuroVelo in particular.
> But I'd like to document the above as the minimum, simplest thing. It seems
> to be generally accepted and is in line with NCN/RCN tagging.
> Thoughts?
> cheers
> Richard
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