On 11-Feb-17 07:48 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:28 AM, Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com <mailto:vosc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I see on the wiki page
    the option

    This does not seem to be appropriate to map caravan sites that
    offer self-service coin-operated washing machines or dryers (and
    it seems not to be in use anyway).

I lived for years in such a caravan site, feel free to see how I mapped it. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/36.16709/-95.86615

Scattered around the UK in towns such as Saffron Walden are 'launderets' (this one is not in OSM, and I hesitate to put it in as my memory of the location is not good, though Google looks to the correct) .. self service machines coin operated (usually with very expensive coin operated soap powder - better to buy that at the local supermarket). Sometimes you may find a 'supervisor' .. most of the time not. I think there is little difference between the two .. though usually the camping crowd are more friendly. My memory of the location such places is vague .. while a good thing to use they are not something that I find that attractive, I tend to remember the town, where I staid, the people and attractions I found.

In the more populated parts of Australia and NZ you can find 'Laundromats' .. similar to the UK ones but with a better climate.
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