My 2 cents:

I am very much in favour of b) highway=* (all the range from motorway,
link, prim./sec./tert. to service) + access/vehicle=no and

> I propose expanding the highway=service to roads that are for one very 
> specific, non-general-public use, and the addition of service=bus for roads 
> that are dedicated to buses
-1, too different from existing definition and global usage of highway=service

> I'm proposing to formalize (by documenting on the wiki) a practice that is 
> already widespread, namely to tag busways as highway=service.
-1, some of them are possibly properly tagged as highway=service, that
is not the only case in my opinion.

> I think you should consider the access rights (access=no, bus=yes) and the 
> road classification (highway=service/unclassified) as two separate things.
> Ask yourself what kind of highway-tag you would use, if the road was not 
> limited to buses only.
+1, use meaningful tag for level of this road (for the bus in overall
road network)

> I look at service highways as most general highways. All highways are service 
> highways, but residential highways are a special type, motorways are another 
> special type and so on.
> So anything that is a highway but is none of these special types, then it's a 
> service.
-1, not my understanding

-- althio

On 2 November 2016 at 07:23, Tijmen Stam <> wrote:
> In the local Dutch forum there was a discussion on how to tag what I call
> busways*.
> a) as highway=service
> with access=no and bus=yes (or psv=yes)
> e.g.
> b) as another highway type, such as highway=unclassified in cities and the
> country, or highway=motorway_link when it is e.g. a highway ramp.
> e.g. and
> There are examples of both in the Netherlands. While the majority of busways
> is tagged as highway=service, there are some people who feel very strongly
> against it.
> While I personally prefer the highway=service, the description of
> highway=service <>
> doesn't fit it really well: "Generally for access to a building, service
> station, beach, campsite, industrial estate, business park, etc. This is
> also commonly used for access to parking, driveways, and alleys."
> However, unclassified (the only other possible highway tag if it's not a
> _link) "doesn't feel right" to me.
> Looking at taginfo, the undocumented service=bus has 4462 uses, and is in
> use globally:
> service=busway adds another 1400-ish.
> I propose expanding the highway=service to roads that are for one very
> specific, non-general-public use, and the addition of service=bus for roads
> that are dedicated to buses, with an implied access=no and bus=yes tag.
> Any ideas? Suggestions?
> Tijmen / IIVQ
> * With busways I mean separate roads that are legally (and sometimes by use
> of a bollard or lift gate also practically) only accessible for buses. This
> can be a short connection between two roads, but also a mayor stand-alone
> road netword, e.g. <>. I am
> _not_ talking about bus lanes nor about guided busways.
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