extending stop_position to way would make the whole concept of
stop_position meaningless. Very soon all ways woud be tagged stop_position

Just tag the route relation in some way, or use roles to indicate which
ways the minibus would stop anywhere.


2016-09-08 14:45 GMT+02:00 tomoya muramoto <muramototom...@gmail.com>:

> 2016-09-08 18:08 GMT+09:00 Felix Delattre <felix-li...@delattre.de>:
> >Inside the city center the bus would stop on dedicated bus stops, but
> once they are out of the densely populated area, they stop on people's
> demand.
> In Japan, there are such kind of bus route too.
> So "on_demand=yes" flag on bus route relation is not enough for me.
> And I don't want to make an OSM object for a virtual platform.
> I would propose
>  to add Way (part of the bus route) where bus stops on demand as
> "stop_position" role on the bus relation.
>  (or we can define another role like "stop_position_on_demand")
> In the current scheme "stop_position" role is limited to "Node on the
> way". But I think "stop_position" can be expanded to Way.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Public_Transport
> muramoto
> 2016-09-08 18:17 GMT+09:00 Éric Gillet <gill3t.3ric+...@gmail.com>:
>> 2016-09-08 9:19 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
>>> > - Are those built/maintained by the bus company or a related
>>> contractor ?
>>> it doesn't matter who builds or maintains the bus stop, the important
>>> thing is that the bus stops there. There could be a contractor building and
>>> maintaining them, also for "free" (financing them through advertising,
>>> that's what Wall AG does for instance)
>> As said by OP, some platforms/shelters are unofficial, so they may be
>> unrelated to PT. Of course we don't really care about who does build and
>> maintain them, but it helps to tell whether they are platforms/shelters
>> designated for PT or not.
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