Some of this tags has analogues in proposal, but in proposal they are
put in the system.
nursery=yes - could this tag be just replaced with min_age or
education_level from proposal?
after_school in proposal it is educational_form:fulltime_extended
preschools is obviously refers to education_level:preschool
special_care does not described detailed enough to understand how to tag
such services in other countries (in proposal it is described with
education_profile:special, but it also needs details)
And family_center is too sketchy. What exactly parents are taught? How
to tag it in case when there is fee for such education, but no fee for
kindergarten itself? How to apply this tag in other countries? It also
conflicts with max_age=7 tag, because this facility obviously
educates/consults parents above this age.
13.04.2016 01:21, Holger Jeromin пишет:
TRgCAoU2hpc2hraW4gQWxlksandr=29?= <kedermail-Re5> Wrote in message:
Proposal for the new more flexible and extendable education tagging system:
Please, leave the comments on the discussion page.
you should take a look at the German kindergarten optional tags.
These were worked out a few weeks ago in the German forum
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