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My questions copied from talk page :
As a non native english speaker, I have no clues about what a chalet is
supposed to be (in french, a chalet is a type of construction found in the
mountain made of wood and does not imply anything about it's possible usage)
Could you be more specific about the differences between a
{{tag|tourism|chalet}}, an {{tag|tourism|hostel}} or a
{{tag|tourism|guest_house}} ? In a "chalet" is the owner sleeping in a
different building ? Does breakfast can be brought by owner ? Is a "chalet"
rented by the same group, by different group ? Can you rent one place only ?
one room only ? Who does the clean up of rooms ? Are bathrooms dedicated
"per groups" ? Is there a possibility of restaurant service ? is that
optionnal ?
Thanks for your answer to help me found what is the french equivalent of a

sly, contact direct : sylvain /a\ letuffe o r g
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