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> Am 16.03.2016 um 15:47 schrieb joost schouppe <>:
> Is it OK to map multiple buildings as one closed line with the building=yes 
> tag? Or does building=yes imply it is one single building?

IMHO we should try to map every building as its own object, but you can't be 
sure that something mapped as building=* is indeed exactly one building and not 
more and not just a part of a building.

> There is the terrace value, but that implies one orderly structure, not the 
> hodgepodge of houses, buildings and extensions that define organically grown 
> blocks.

building=terrace can mean a terrace on its own but most of the times it is 
unfortunately a short form for terraced_house ;-)
If it's intended for the latter I'd still expect individual houses to be 
mapped, not the whole block as one object

> There are a couple of "multiple" values too, which make sense, but is 
> undocumented and maybe overly precise.

which sense can they make if there is no documentation for it? Are they 
different grades of specificity for the same building? E.g. 
building=residential;detached_house;bungalow (always the same building)
Or are they several buildings represented by the same outline? Or are they 
building uses and not building types?

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