On 25.02.2016 01:46, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
> What you did is not wrong, editing the wiki and emailing the list at
> the same time is the pragmatic thing to do. Even taking the vote
> counts to approve the proposal is not wrong, most would even say it's
> right :p

I still dont get your point, there were two weeks RFC with a lot of
discussions, two weeks voting, and the result was a approved proposal.

Do you want me, to start again a discussion if everyone wants to accept
the vote? Or one more vote to check, if everyone is willed to accept
that the proposal has been approved?

And please bear in mind, that a voting might draw a better picture of
the community will than a discussion on the tagging list can. Just
becaus people like you and me (and others) take active part in a
discussion, doesn't mean that there are not a lot more persons who want
to participate in the decision. But they might not be willed to put so
much energy in a discussion or are not able because of time or the
language barrage (that is even for me a problem).

>> That is absoulutely no justification for your edits without asking the
>> the list.
> I honestly believe I acted in the same way that you did (no accusation
> of wrong-doing). 

sorry but that is is really far from truth. Before I did the changes,
there was more than a month full of drafting a Proposal -> starting a
RFC -> Voting. In the end of that process, we had a decision by voting

You cant compare this with you actions yesterday. You just ignored the
proposal process and reverted the result just because you don't like the

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