On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 19:30:39 +0200
Lauri Kytömaa <lkyto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > An important part of the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route now requires
> > cyclists to get a permit:
> > It's not quite 'bicycle=permissive' - that's generally used to
> > imply that bikes are allowed in by goodwill of the landowner but
> > don't have to book,
> If we could stick to the original list of values, that does look like
> 'private' to me: the land owner has the right to ban access and
> has used that right, and only those who know they have a
> permission from the land owner may use it. "If you don't know
> better, you can't cycle there."
> The fact that/if they generally don't refuse the individual permit
> when applied for in advance (assuming you're a US citizen) isn't
> relevant for the actual access/bicycle tag, but should be recorded
> with some other tag; your idea of
> reservation:bicycle=required is as good as any other so far. Or:
> private:bicycle:licence=MCB CAMPEN Bike Route
> Which identifies the ways where the permit is valid, and gives
> something to search for if nobody starts a site listing contact
> points for various licence issuers, and tells the reader that the
> tagged licence relates to cycling, and to the fact that a group
> of cyclists exists holding licences from the owner of the private
> area. I'd guess that the details of who can get a licence and how
> fast - not just there but globally in similar situations - are so
> complex that at best the ways would have incomplete, unusable
> data and consumers would still need to check directly with the
> permit issuer to see if they're eligible.
> If there's ever a case for overlapping licences, semicolons,
> multi value keys and relations can be (again) discussed
> ad infinitum.

Yes, =private seems fitting. Additional tags may be added to cover that
permit may be acquired (potentially also - how and where).

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