A waste transfer station is a different operation from this one, which is a
place to store used parts for the long-term until someone buys them. The
things stored therein are not waste but resellable parts. If I want a
tail-light lens for a 1975 Ford, for example, the best place, often the
only place, to get it would be at a junkyard/scrapyard.

Thanks for the input. I've got some good ideas now. I now agree that adding
the tags for shop=car_parts and second_hand=only would help describe this
particular type of scrapyard quite nicely.

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On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 3:46 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21/01/2016 4:31 AM, Andy Townsend wrote:
> On 20/01/2016 17:19, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> On 20 January 2016 at 02:03, Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to decide how to tag what we in the U.S. refer to as junkyards.
> ...
>> Would amenity=waste_transfer_station be an option? See
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dwaste_transfer_station
> . Perhaps this makes more sense for scrapyards that make most of their
> money from selling the iron used in cars.
> I'd have thought that a "waste transfer station" was something else?
> Scrapyards round here tend to major not so much in selling iron but in car
> parts (though obviously that'll vary with commodity prices and local
> area).  I think I've seen at least one "waste transfer station" somewhere
> in the county though what that's tagged as I wouldn't like to say.   It
> didn't look very scrapyardish (though I can see how there might be overlap
> of edge cases).
> I too think of a 'waste transfer station' as something else. They don't
> store stuff for long - moving it on fairly quickly. Say less than a week.
> A 'junkard' would usually have things stored for quite some time. Save
> over a year. They sell the individual parts to people who want those parts
> for use rather than scrapping them. What ever parts that are not wanted ..
> those go to the recyclers.
> --------------------
> A 'junkard' can be for cars, trucks, motorcycles, earth movers, aeroplanes
> ... I think that needs to be specified.
> They go by various names depending on where you are .. 'boneyeard',
> 'wreckers' ...
> for example I'd tag them;
> landuse=industrial
> industrial=car_wreckers
> shop=car_parts
> car_parts:secondhand=ford;gmc
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
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