I just want to mention again: this proposal is about the wiki, that
name_1 and alt_name_1 should not be suggested there for good tagging.
Its not about the existing data in OSM.

On 20.01.2016 23:35, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
> On 20/01/2016, Mike N <nice...@att.net> wrote:
>> On 1/20/2016 3:39 PM, Dominic Coletti wrote:
>>> I see 808,000 uses of name_1 and 65,000 of name_2.
> And 609,505 alt_name and 6,013 alt_name_1.
> These approximate figues have already been mentioned in this thread.
> Does Anybody have stats on how many "*name*" tags have values with
> semicolons ? Bonus points for pointing out cases of litteral ";" in
> the name.
>> Many of these are from the US TIGER import, and must not be
>> automatically removed.  They would go into alt_name , etc based on local
>> knowledge.
> Appart from using this as a cunning way to track which TIGER names
> have been reviewed, there's IMHO no good reason to convert an existing
> "name_1" to "alt_name".
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