> On Dec 20, 2015, at 1:42 AM, ael <law_ence....@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> A water park is typically a natural area with lakes mainly for wildlife,
> although perhaps boating and maybe, just maybe but very rarely, swimming.
> But not a swimming pool (well, perhaps there are exceptions).

Google Searched “Aquatic Centre”:

The frist 10 pages (250 results?) were all places for swimming. no animals. 
Places were located all over the English speaking world. including descriptions 
of foreign places. I stopped looking. 

The place where the London Olympics swimming took place was the "400 million 
dollar 'Aquatic Centre'” 

  (a search result)

Usually for a “mixed use” term, Google will put a variety of different results 
on the first page, but none were anything other than swimming pools for 

It seems to be a commonly used term for what we are looking for. 

maybe you thinking of the common term “aquatic Life” - a common term for things 
that live in water, but a place for aquatic life is commonly known as an 
“aquarium" or a "marine zoo/park" or a “sea world”. 

"Life Aquatic” is a wonderful Wes Anderson movie. But that Didn’t come up 


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