On 1/12/2015 12:05 PM, Dominic Coletti wrote:
I appreciate the feedback and was able to check out the Taginfo. One
solution I saw was shop=charity. One thing that could be used is
shop=charity and type=adoption_agency or something similar. The
problem of the office (or shop) tag describing the whole building
would be tagging a node on the building, along with nodes representing
other offices or what have you within the building.
Thanks for all of your feedback.
shop=charity is not what you want! Please read the wiki?
It says "selling a mixture of second hand goods, donated by the public.
eg books, clothing, toys, furniture. May also sell some new products, eg
confectionery, crafts."
+1 for the intention of the tag.
Trivial nit picking - this is not a rejection. Nor a compliant. Unlike
some I would not reject a proposal due to the wording!
"/Definition: A way to tag places where prospective parents can adopt
This should be the definition of what you want to tag...
Better might be: "Definition: A place where prospective parent/s may
adopt a child or children"
"/Applies to///
/The proposed tag //office
be used on either: /
* /nodes (in which case the node should be placed near the middle of
the building in which the adoption agency is contained)
This assumes that the adoption agency occupies the whole thing. If the
adoption agency only occupies a section of the building?
Better might be: nodes (the node should be placed in the centre of the
area occupied by the adoption agency)
============================================== children vs adult
I think an 'adult' cannot be 'adopted' - they are legally independent -
not subject to guardianship by parenting. Again this is just a note -
for information and consideration by those concerned.
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