On 2015-11-27 10:04, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote :
> 2015-11-26 20:24 GMT+01:00 Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl
> <mailto:colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>>:
>     I use the subarea member because it makes cross-checking easy.
>     Have all the lower-level boundaries in my higher-level admin area
>     been added to OSM?
> what comes next? Have all the roads in a given administrative area
> listed with an "administrates" role in the relation? Cross-checking to
> me sounds like unhealthy redundancy here. It means having to do the
> work twice and having the information stored double.

Redundancy???  Have you noticed that some borderlines are *hexaplicated*
(that they appear in 6 different relations) and that *that* is unhealthy
redundancy that is made unnecessary by subareas?

And that, unlike wanting to destroy an enemy, the programs I spoke of
would be a great help building and checking the boundary ways mess using
the non duplicated, simple, clean UK=England+Wales+Scotland subarea

>     Unfortunately the various admin levels do not always form a strict
>     hierarchy. A small area at (lets say) admin_level=10 might be
>     enclosed spatially by entities at level 8, 7, 6, 5 etc but it only
>     has a direct administrative relationship with one of them, which
>     might not be the next-highest level (next-lower number).
> in which way does a subarea role help here to solve real problems?
> Which administrative aspects/powers/relationships/fields are those
> that are looked at? Do you have concrete examples?
Read the messages and look at OSM.org.



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