can you define what a compulsory cycle lane means? Is it that when cycling
> on the road you have to use this lane? Or that you aren't allowed to use
> any other nearby way if you are on a bike? How far is the range of this
> prescription?

I should have added at the beginning of this thread that I am looking, in
the first place, at the situation in Italy.
Here is what there is in terms of definition of compulsory cycleways in
(articolo 182 comma 9 Codice della Strada)
"9. I velocipedi devono transitare sulle piste loro riservate quando
esistono, salvo il divieto per particolari categorie di essi, con le
modalità stabilite nel regolamento."
translated: cyclists have to use cycleways, where they exist. It does not
address the question how far away the cycleway can be from a parallel road.
This differs form the situation in Germany, as far as I know, where a
maximum distance is defined for this case.

There are three types of compulsory cycleways in Italy:
1) Cycle lanes
What in OSM speak is a "cycle lane", in Italy is a cycleway to all effects
("pista ciclabile in carregiata"). Hence the need in OSM to indicate that
the motor-vehicle lanes of a road with cycle lanes are off-limits to
cyclists. I presume that the legal situation is similar in other countries.
example with road sign:

2) Cycleways separated from the road "Pista ciclabile in sede propria"
example with road sign:

3) Segregated foot-cycle-ways "Pista ciclabile contigua al marciapiede"
example with road sign:

In addition, there is another type of way for cyclists that is not
non-segregated foot-cycle-way ("percorso pedonale e ciclabile")
BTW this is different from the situation in Germany where the nearly
identical road sign makes the use compulsory.
example with road sign in Italy:

Hope this makes things clearer.

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