Hello, there.

I'm wondering how to map 2 things:
1) forest parcels: some people use a boundary relation with 
boundary=forest_compartment, but this seems mainly used in Eastern Europe, so 
geographically limited; others map each parcel with landuse=forest and then use 
ref=* to give the parcel number, which have the merit of making rendering 
easier, even if dividing a big forest in hundreds or thousands of parcels just 
to map the parcels seems, at first glance, an unnecessary division of the 
modelling as it is still the same forest, the parcels being essentially a human 
concern. I would say using the second possibility, but am I right? Is there 
other possibilities I should think about?
2) national/municipal forests: numerous forests, here in France, are municipal 
or national ones — the latter being called “forêt domaniale” —; many of them 
are labelled as such on road signs, and they are often named after this 
parameter — like “forêt domaniale de Dabo”, Dabo being the neighboring village 
—, so I think they should be mapped, but how? Should I, there again, use a 
boundary relation and tag it boundary=forest? This seems to be the wider-used 
solution and the most consistent one, but boundary=forest isn't in the uses of 
boundary relations documented on the wiki, and I read warnings on 
help.openstreetmap.org and MLs against such undocumented uses, so I prefer 
asking here: should I use this solution? Another?

NB: I read several possibilities on these questions, but the sources are 
conflicting and some are years old, so potentially deprecated, so I would like 
to know the current usage regarding these problems.

Awaiting your answers,

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