On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 at 14:01 Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:

> it's an inevitable consequence of serializing a complex data structure.
> we either find ways to deal with it or else we accept limits on what
> we can accomplish.

Or we change the way we do it.

For example, emitting the relations first would help somewhat.

Maybe thinking about the structure further rather than using relations
because they are there.

Or make it easier to cope by providing much easier and less resource hungry
means of managing this

and/or a higher level api which abstracts some of the change and provides a
better level of backward compatibility, at least for extending time. So for
example "tell me what the road number(s) of this way are" irrespective of
how they are stored, and "is this way the same as that one in respect of
road number X"? and so on.

etc etc.
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