This description of crossing=island is at odds with what I understand.

The crossing you show is a fairly standard crossing=uncontrolled as described in the wiki (i.e., with explicit markings, but no signals) , albeit with an island.

I think I have used crossing=island for places like this:

The island is clearly designed to facilitate pedestrian crossing, and has a beacon light as well (although I am not at all sure what these mean in the UK: they are fairly rare).

I can think of other islands where there is no form of marking for crossings, but again the available evidence, suggests that these are placed deliberately (e.g., dropped kerbs on pavements adjacent to the island). Example:

In many case controlled (signalled) crossings have islands too.

Conclusion: the island property may more properly be thought of as attributive, so something like island=yes might be appropriate.

Finally: I think these are perhaps more correctly known as pedestrian refuges, and using a term like this may avoid ambiguity.


On 31/10/2015 18:36, Volker Schmidt wrote:

    Example for keep clear:

This seems to be the only instance of highway=keep_clear in OSM (according to taginfo). This is a common horizontal road sign in the UK. It indicates tht vehicles should not anter the cross-hatched area if the traffic situation does not allow them to leave the area. Strange that it is only used once in the data base. Maybe our UK friends use another tag for these.

    The node also is in such a marked area,

The tag is on the junctio of the two ways

    reg. crossing=island: ok, your example shows

    a simple case where the island is in the middle.

    What if there are multiple islands?

If there are multple islands, I presume there are several roads that are crossed by a footway. In this case each crossing is tagged according to how it's constructed. If each is protected by island, than each is tagged with crossing=island.
Do you have an example? (I can't recall one at the moment)

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