
I have been working on some ideas
) to resolve tagging conflicts between sidepaths (cycleways, footways).
Explicitly the question, whether such ways should be drawn separately or
just be subtags of the central highway-osm-way.
Right now, the default in my proposal is that sideways which are separated
by a curb only are tagged as subtags to the central way, while sideways
separated by scrubs, grass, ditches, etc. are drawn as separate osm-ways.
>From my experience, this seems to fit the mapping for the majority of
mappers. However both extremes (only subtag, always separated) are possible.

I would especially  like to ask you for comments on the following topics:
*       Is https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element
a problem for my suggestion?
*       Use of footway=sidewalk as an exception from *=sidepath.
*       Use of footway:right/left/both=sidewalk on highway=road instead of

I'm looking forward to your responses


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