On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 5:02 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:
> it depends how you use the word "Doppelhaus". Legally it means 2 touching
> houses on 2 parcels. Architectonically it means 2 more or less symmetric
> buildings that touch. They don't have to share the same materials or
> colours (mostly they do, sometimes they don't), but rather the building
> layout/facades. Completely different buildings touching at one side are
> called differently (einseitig angebaut, etc.)

American terms:

*duplex*: technically, one building with separate entrances.  But also used
far more broadly, and duplexes are a hot real estate term.
*duplex apartment*: single unit spread over two floors.
*triplex apartment*: single unit spread over three floors.
*condo* : single building with multiple owners.  Owners also belong to an
association, which manages the common areas.
*semidetached* or *twin*: houses that share a wall at the property line.
These are often called *duplexes*.  The haves of a twin look the same,
unless perhaps it's also a *spite house*.
*maisonette*: rough British equivalent of duplex apartment.

>From the OSM point of view it may be better to break it down to atomic

   1. Does it straddle a parcel boundary?
   2. Apartment/Deeded owners or mixed?
   3. Are the architectural styles unified?

 building=semidetached_house is a tag I don't really know what to do with,
and would thus ignore.
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