Is this location on the same grounds as other religious buildings?

If so, you can use landuse=religious on the entire area, and put the point of 
worship on the Mosque, and the support buildings would just be part of the 

This building sounds like any other religious hall that is related to, but not 
the central place of worship at large religious facility. Religious meetings 
may take place, or other events held in the hall at other times (like funeral 
receptions you mentioned), but the actual worshipping takes place elsewhere 
(chapel + meeting hall is a common layout for large churches, and large 
buddhist temples often have other meeting venues than just the temple building 

I forget how exactly to tag a meeting hall like this, but you should be able to 
stick it on landuse=religious and add the religion and denomination, but leave 
off the POW tag, if it isn't used for worship. 

It might be amenity=community_hall or Community_centre, but i could be wrong. 


> On Aug 20, 2015, at 5:03 AM, AbulAziz M. <> wrote:
> Hi and thanks for your input,
> I thought about making it a place of worhsip, however  nobody is being 
> worshiped there (people esp. in non-Muslim countries may pray the 
> congregational prayer there, but it's not what husainiyas are intended to). 
> It's more of a place where speeches and lectures are given.
> throughout_the_year: around the Islamic year, there are a lot of events such 
> as births and deaths of Ahlul bayt (household of the prophet, consisting 
> mainly of 14 persons), so throughout the year means that the husainiya 
> commemorates such events and hence is open for the whole year in each event.
> The problem with service times and opening hours is that even if a husainiya 
> opens in Muharram only for example, it does not necessarily mean that it will 
> be closed for the rest of year; for example several people set their 
> condolence acceptance in husainiyas (condolence acceptance is when people 
> come to the family of the deceased to give their condolences). So Muharram 
> and Weekly tags imply that the husainiya runs their speeches and activities 
> on that times, but does not necessarily mean it would closed for the rest of 
> the time.
>> On 18 August 2015 at 08:40, Ruben Maes <> wrote:
>> Tuesday 18 August 2015 17:24:31, Ruben Maes:
>> > Tuesday 18 August 2015 07:43:02, AbulAziz M.:
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > Proposal page: 
>> >
>> > Definition:  A congregational place for Muslims (esp. Shia Muslims) where 
>> > I sermon is given and the tragedy of Karbala is commemorated
>> This should be expressed with subtags of place of worship:
>> amenity=place_of_worship
>> religion=muslim
>> denomination=shia/...
>> muharram=yes/no should be expressed with opening_hours instead, though it 
>> currently only supports the Gregorian calendar as far as I know.
>> "weekly" should be expressed with service_times.
>> throughout_the_year: I am not sure what you mean by that.
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