> On Aug 20, 2015, at 5:01 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> It's an exceptionally rare feature in the US

Go to rich neighborhoods in San Diego. there are several bridlepaths along the 
roads in rancho santa fe /del mar  with rope/post "fence" separating it from 
the road and wood chipped surface (there are absolutely no sidewalks anywhere 
away from the shops because there is no foot traffic) which connect horse 
training centers and private horse barns with open parks for riding. 

The only personal experience I have is with horses on trails in state parks.  
The horses are allowed on trails (paths) and fire roads (tracks), while 
mountain bikes are confined to fire roads because horse people complained that 
bikes "damage trails". At least a bike doesn't leave crap on the trail and get 
bacteria in the water ^^ .
I have never seen a horse on a sidewalk, though i have seen a few on the city 
streets and in parks as a police mounted patrol.  

Horse access doesn't dictate a sidewalk status, a primary road's status, nor 
highway=pedestrian status. 

Path somehow exists as a legal definition rather than a definition purpose or 
importance. All the other ways imply purpose, which for most situations imply 
standards ( which vary from region to region) - if you see a footpath along a 
trunk road - its probably paved. I may be able to legally ride my city cruiser 
bike on it, but that doesn't make it any less a sidewalk (footpath). It simply 
isn't engineered to be a cycleway.  

I may be legally allowed to ride my horse on it, clip-cloping on the concrete, 
but it it still no less a sidewalk. 

Because it was built *as a sidewalk*. 

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