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> Am 28.07.2015 um 11:02 schrieb Pavel Zbytovský <>:
> 1) technically the small secondary roads part works as primary road network. 
> So we would suggest a tag similar to works_as_highway=primary. Do you think 
> its ok? Any suggestions?

from what you have written it seems to me that these are tagging errors: if a 
road "works as primary" it should get the primary tag in osm.

Country specific deviations that result from following different criteria (like 
road maintenance class / entity, or physical criteria, etc.) should be 
"repaired" (map those properties differently and not in the highway tag) and 
the highway tag should be used like it is elsewhere.

OSM is a global dataset and following everywhere the same criteria to determine 
the highway tag is important for a smooth usage of the data across borders.

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