On 19/05/2015, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
> On 19. Mai 2015 03:18:14 MESZ, johnw <jo...@mac.com> wrote:
> ....
>>there’s no preset “I want to add a business” or “I want to add a park”
>>tutorials that walk through the basics and hold your hand, bring up
>>options and ask you natural language questions to help you learn how to
>>tag things. a person who just wants to add a node tag can have very
>>little asked of them, and the node placed in the correct spot. another
>>mapper can flesh it out later.
> I've many times suggested that if we really want to exploit the long tail we
> need "wizards" not "simple" editors (I'm not sure that the later actually
> exists). We shoudn't kid ourselves though, we are unlikely to squezze a
> higher conversion rate  to reasonably active mappers out of  our audience
> that way, just a longer long tail. Any way we do it we are asking for people
> to spend more/a significant amount of time contributing and that will only
> happen if somebody is actually interested in the subject matter.

http://onosm.org/ is IMHO not a bad answer to that. Maybe it could get
integrated on osm.org, alongside a collection of other special-purpose
wizards for various usecases.

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