Hi everybody,

I was mapping cemeteries recently, and I stumbled over a couple of
confusing points. I would like to know your opinion.

1) There is landuse=cemetery and amenity-grave_yard. Could someone explain
the difference please? Is it that graveyard is always at a place of worship
territory? I find it quite confusing: most big cemeteries in Moscow have
started as such graveyards, but are now much more known than those old
churches or monasteries (which may even be non-functional by now). Also, at
every cemetery, there is a place of worship. But its only purpose is often
to hold a burial service at that cemetery.

2) For large cemeteries, mapping of sections/sectors is essential for the
map to be of any use. There is a proposal for this
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Cemetery_sector, but
it seems to be abandoned. I would restart it, but I have a doubt: do we
want a specific cemetery-related tag only? I would rather introduce
something like a "section" that could be used elsewhere too (e.g. for a
large parking, beach, etc.) The fact that it's a cemetery section can be
derived from geometry.

3) A good alternative could be a subtag:
where I would make xxx the name of the section (aka ref and name).

4) Ref seems to be a good tagging for the cemetery section number, but it
doesn't show up on the map, unlike the "name" (e.g.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/345082198). Is ref still a preferred tag?

5) Is it more correct to use "section" or "sector" for cemeteries? The
proposal is for "sector" but I think it should actually be "section".

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