This is a group doing some kind of specialized mapping for their pilots. 

We' discussing the best way for them to tag things for their use.

This is not a "tag all the soccer pitches helicopters could land on" 


> On May 11, 2015, at 8:00 PM, pmailkeey . <> wrote:
> There are a number of reasons we shouldn't tag random places as potential 
> emergency helipads:
> Ground conditions
> overhead obstructions
> don't think we're qualified to make assessment (without site visit and heli 
> knowledge)
> A heli pilot wouldn't use our info - he'd always make his own assessment on 
> the day - so little point in having 'data'.
> etc.
> -- 
> Mike.
> @millomweb - For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
> via the area's premier website - 
> currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family, property & 
> pets
> T&Cs
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