On 9/05/2015 1:35 PM, John Willis wrote:

On May 9, 2015, at 10:49 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

Wholesale implies a large quantity of goods, they sell in quantity (the 
quantity may be over some time, say a year).
Then wholesale is an subtag on the shop, since it doesn't describe what they 
are selling, right?

Hummm ... I'd not want a wholesaler identified as a shop ... let me put it this 

If a gasoline wholesaler were identified as a fuel station and you drove your 
car in there .. they'd sell you gasoline ... say 250 gallons of it minimum.  :-D

There are wholesale trade shops, wholesale food shops, wholesale lumber shops, 

Is there some tag for membership, or is that assumed knowledge if you live in 
the region? (Most people in Japan know costco is membership, for example).

access = membership ?

Thinking about it reminds me I have no idea how to tag them, along with the 
sub-businesses inside (food court, pharmacy, tire shop, etc). I just put shop 
nodes in the building, but maybe that's not the best way to do it.

I've not looked at it hard. I have tagged nodes and buildings (closed way) as 
shops .. they do appear on the rendered maps.

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