On 05/05/2015, Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:
> If people choose not to (or are "not bothered to") comment, that's an
> abstention.
> Indeed, it may reasonably be argued that of they choose not to comment
> on a proposal to do something, then they are content with the
> proposal.

It'd only be reasonable if those people were contacted. Discussions on
[tagging] or [talk] or the wiki are *not* a good way to contact
mappers for democratic opinion-gathering purposes. OSM doesn't have a
policy that interested contributors have to participate on this or
that dicussion medium. I've joined [tagging] very late in my OSM life
(and can't afford the time to read it all), but I've always been very
interested in any change to the data I've contributed.

It may be a PITA, but it's a fact. The closest thing we have to
officially contacting mappers (and filing them under
abstain/uninterested if they don't answer) is the private messages on
osm.org. But using that for a large number of users is frowned uppon.

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