shop=hifi has almost 6000 uses, so it must fill a need for some people.

If hifi is too specific for you, you could always use shop=electronics.

Also, there is this note on the hifi wiki page regarding hifi vs.
"The suggested distinction is that a shop=electronics shop is "primarily
focused on consumer electronics, and may sell hi-fi components, but is not
focused on them and not a meeting point for audiophiles", However that's
quite a subtle and subjective distinction, and something which may be
better represented as a property tag of a shop=electronics"

(side note: looking at a random assortment in the UK, I do see some "hifi"
that might be mistagged--for example, I'd expect HMV to be tagged as
shop=music not shop=hifi?)

Cheers, Brad

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 7:10 AM, pmailkeey . <>

> Hi,
> Somewhere else in OSM world, 'hifi shops' has been mentioned. I take this
> to mean in connection with 'musical entertainment systems' such as 'radio',
> CD players and other audio reproduction electronics. As such, I feel the
> term 'hifi' is too 'narrow' and inadequate for the range of equipment that
> can perform this function. I think a good example is Richer Sounds
> <> - looking at their horizontal top menu:
> Hi-Fi
> TV & Home Cinema
> Speakers
> Streaming, Wireless & Multi-room
> Systems
> Portable Audio
> Headphones
> Gaming
> Accessories & Furniture
> Clearance
> Installations
> Tech Blog
> Hence I wonder if a more appropriate tag for such shops can be found ?
> --
> Mike.
> @millomweb <> -
> For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
> via *the area's premier website - *
> *currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family,
> property & pets*
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