On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 07:16:22AM +0300, Dave Swarthout wrote:
> I think redefining waterway=dam is gonna be a hard sell for most Americans.
> But now thanks to this list I understand why some reservoirs I've worked
> with in Thailand have had the name of the dam applied to the water behind
> them as well. As you probably know, many reservoirs in the U.S. have names
> that are different from the names of the dam that formed them, Lake Mead
> and the Hoover Dam, Lake Roosevelt and the Grand Coolee Dam, are just two
> of the better known ones. The dam and the water impounded behind it usually
> have different names.
> Even though I can agree that dams are man_made there are roughly 200K uses
> of the waterway=dam tag. You have a lot of convincing ahead of you.

not all of the dams are man_made, beavers are busy builders.


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