On 14/04/2015, Christoph Hormann <chris_horm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> It is the other way round - the riverbank polygon is optional and 'nice
> to have'.  The waterway line is what actually defines a river in OSM,
> it also gets the name tag and other attributes.

Yes, this is the same principle that gives us highway=* vs
Note that as a result, the riverbank polygon doesn't need a name=*,
because that is taken from the linear river way instead.

Changing topics, I've just stumbled on the wiki on the "natural=water,
water=river" tagging that I wasn't aware of and is supposed to replace
waterway=riverbank. 4 years after being "approved", it still
represents only about 3% of the riverbank tagging. I guess that the
"it's more uniform and logical" argument wasn't compeling enough, and
that "tagg...@osm.org" != "osm community"...

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