2015-04-07 14:07 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> 2015-04-07 13:50 GMT+02:00 Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com>:
>> If one wants to avoid conflicts, one will always use different tags than
>> tags that are already in use.
> +-0, typically mappers want to use the same tags that other users also use
> to make usage of the map data easier (i.e. they want their stuff rendered,
> etc.). Of course everyone could invent new tags for everything everytime
> they map, and conflicts could be very much avoided (especially with a
> common tagging scheme and namespaces, e.g.
> martin_koppenhoefer:highway=motorway, martin_vonwald:highway=motorway,
> etc.). Not what you wanted to say? Can you expand in which cases one should
> use a different tag than those already in use?

I was refering to "different idea of the defintion".

If someone has a different idea about what a tag should mean, one will
* be ignorant and use the tag in a (completely) different way
* be cooperative and use a different tag.

The type of documentation will not influence this behaviour.

>  A proposal should be the documentation of new tags that are actually
> used(!).
> proposals sometimes also extend or restrict the usage of tags that aren't
> "new".

But the extended usage is "new".

> How do we resolve cases of different people using the same tag for
> different things? How do we discover these cases?

Exactly in the same way as we do it now. Nothing changes. We only use a
different name for our documentation and its state. And we do not tell
people that this is "good", because three-and-a-half people made some green
ticks somewhere, and this is "bad", because my brother and his son hate
this tag personally and therefore made some red ticks somewhere else.

> When should you write a proposal for a new tag (i.e. how much "use" should
> a tag have before you can document it?).

I would write a short documentation right at the beginning and
expand/adjust it continuously while increasing the discussion and usage of
the tag. Actually that's the way I wrote all my proposals up to now and
will continue to do it that way. Unless - of course - someone comes up with
a better idea of introducing new tags.
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