I decided not to include the scout camp, because it then still might be
confused with a place where ordinary campers can stay (like is the case
with all options in the proposal). After the long discussion I have tried
to keep the proposal as clean and simple as possible. I hope someone else
will stand up to kick off the camp_site=* proposal for facility levels.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 4:03 AM johnw <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> > On Mar 30, 2015, at 8:49 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 30/03/2015 10:14 AM, David Bannon wrote:
> >>
> >> I note you did not do 'scout camp' on there. Its equally specialised but
> >> a different special I think ?? Hmm....
> >>
> >> David
> >>
> >>
> > From very distant memory those were temporary ..
> > some times once only, sometimes once every few years.
> > And they were restricted to scouts only .. thus access=scouts?
> >
> > From that perspective .. not something I'd map. If they are permanent
> (repetitive even) then I'd map it .. but access=?
> It’s access=private with operator= or something.
> Scout Camps can be huge, with hundreds of people visiting year after year,
> they become local, sometimes regional, landmarks.
> And often times, even with smaller ones, the reason the people are going
> to the area is because there is a scout camp.
> The public map available for the California state park near my house
> clearly labels the Boy Scout camp in the middle of it (with “private” under
> the name, I think) because so many people are familiar with it’s location.
> It might also be a labeled feature on USGS topo maps, but I could be wrong.
> They are just private facilities, but they should be properly tagged as a
> camp site, as people drive long distances to take scouts there, so they
> should be searchable and routable.
> Javbw
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