If it's there for years then it is a campsite no matter how it is advertised.
There is no point in separating designated and non-designated.
In my opinion those photos do not depict wild camping, you are camping in a car
park with some facilities available to the public. The is nothing “Wild” about
All of these examples can be covered by existing tags.
From: Jan van Bekkum
Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2015 12:36
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Non-designated is not necessarily temporary. Some hotels may offer the service
for many years, but it is not officially announced and not listed. For
overlanders this information is too important not to have it mapped somehow.
Let me also give a few examples of wild camps where we stayed that should be on
the map:
Guarded section of a car parking next to a city park with public toilet
(Tabriz, Iran). Amongst overlanders this is the one place to go to in Tabriz.
In Iran we had quite a few situations like this.
Kite Beach in Dubai: as Dubai is very densely built up there are few good
places to stay. The kite beach is a parking at the beach near the Kite Club.
The Kite Club has clean public toilets and a beach shower.
Images are here.
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