> Am 19.03.2015 um 21:15 schrieb Jaume Figueras i Jové 
> <jaume.figue...@masafi.cat>:
> I'm thinking to use man_made=tower historic=yes, but IMHO I think it's more 
> correct to use historic=tower (that does not appear in the wiki).

I'm using all these tags together, historic=tower and man_made=tower and if 
it's an area also building=tower (or a more specific tower type for the 
building if you know it). In case this is from ancient times, you might also be 
interested in the tag historic:civilization 

Often these do have Wikipedia entries (key wikipedia), the start_date might be 
known, ...

Don't limit your tagging to a single tag, try to describe it well.

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