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> On Feb 22, 2015, at 3:30 AM, John F. Eldredge <> wrote:
> If the use of the vehicle storage is limited to certain people, such as 
> residents of a particular neighborhood, use access tags as well. It then 
> becomes the responsibility of the renderer to check these tags.

Personally, it is confusing as all hell that some businesses that offer 
services for money are amenities and some are shops. I know the implication of 
shop is for sales of goods, but a restaurant sells food, and it is an amenity. 
A bench is also an amenity. 

It is so baffling and counterintuitive to me. A shop sells things. A business 
does things. An amenity sits there, waiting for you to use it (like a bench), 
as an amenity *of the place* (a bench in front of the restaurant) - but the 
restaurant is an amenity too? But the bookstore isn't? It's shop=* ??

there is no business=* tag like shop=*

And amenity is doing double duty. 

I wish that wasn't the case.

If it is an amenity of a larger facility, amenity makes perfect sense - like 
the plain storage lot of a gated community - it is an amenity of the facility 
there is no business, no office, no transaction. 

If it is a shop for retail or business transactions, then it should be in the 
shop or a "business" keyspace.

Since car repair is in the shop= key, I thought having the storage business 
located there - to tag the building that operates the lot and the larger 
landuse - would be appropriate for shop=*

This is why I suggested two tags. 

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