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On Feb 18, 2015, at 8:12 AM, Andreas Goss <> wrote:

>> If the facility is a stand-alone facility whose primary purpose is not as a 
>> place to worship - but merely operated by a religious entity - such as a 
>> school, hospital, etc, then it is tagged as it currently is.
> I fail to see how some grass or parking lot around the church is the primarty 
> purpose of worship, but then the school or kindergarden next to it where you 
> actually pray etc. is not.
> That's really great. So according to the Wiki now the parking lot of the 
> school and kindergarden is landuse=religious (because they are also used by 
> the churchgoers), but they aren't. LOL.
> And if there is a amenity=school in the centre of a monastary I have to cut 
> it out. Nice.
If it is a small facility on the grounds of a church, just tag the building.

If it is a stand-alone facility, then tag it as a school. 

You wouldn't cut out a space in a shopping center and declare it landuse 
religious just because the spot is rented by a church. 

And you wouldn't cut the parking lot off the mall when mapping the malls 
landuse - why would you cut off the church's??

Are we talking about the same OSM? I'm really confused. 


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