Speaking of cisterns, Does this notion of "cistern are reservoirs" cover fire 

In most urban and suburban areas of Japan, there are underground hydrants, but 
there are a lot of fire cisterns as well out here in rural Japan. The fire 
trucks carry a snorkel. I assume this is an old system (some look 50 years 
old), but there are tons of them - is there a fire hydrant-esque version? We're 
talking 2-3m concrete boxes with fireman only access through a manhole lid for 
the snorkel. 

The concrete boxes are often above ground and in bothersome positions (right 
next to the road), and labeled as a fire cistern on their road sign, as opposed 
to hydrant. 

I looked up the emergency=fire hydrant, and the page mentioned "pond", but 
there is still some kind of hydrant that is there as an attachment for the 
hose, whereas the cistern is merely a box with a lid. 

Maybe adding a value to:


would be appropriate, so they are included in the hydrant system (as opposed to 
reservoir), where they seem to belong - or is this the case where it would get 
both tags?

Interested in how you'd tag it to be part of the hydrant system. 


> On Feb 1, 2015, at 6:51 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 1/02/2015 8:31 PM, Volker Schmidt wrote:
>> "cistern" in English implies underground or covered.
>> You want something like
>> man_made=water_tank (unfortunately often used as fish?-water tank)
>> or 
>> man_made=storage
>> storage=water 
>>> On 31 January 2015 at 00:49, S Volk <svo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been mapping on Africa in HOT tasks and around, I've seen some 
>>> cisterns, also know that some humanitarian NGOs have made many cisterns  on 
>>> Africa (also water_wells).
>>> Question:
>>> How to tag a cistern (it seems to be not like what is shown for 
>>> "landuse=reservoir";                     rather a small "man made" 
>>> reservoir, on ground level or escavated, for either natural or treated 
>>> water)?
> I don't see any limits for 'landuse=reservoir' ? So it could be used from 
> small to large. And if that is the 'best fit' then use it. 
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