On 27/01/2015 9:29 PM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
(This discussion originated on talk - crossposted to tagging on
Malcolm's suggestion)
On 26/01/2015 21:16, Malcolm Herring wrote:
On 26/01/2015 19:23, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
mentions that "a quay will normally be tagged as part of the
coastline natural=coastline". Apart from that I found no clue
anywhere else about how a quay should be tagged... Am I missing
something ? Considering how well-used man_made=pier is, I am
surprised that quays get such scant attention. man_made=quay anyone ?
To quote the IHO dictionary: "quay. A WHARF approximately parallel to
the SHORELINE and accommodating ships on one side only, the other
side being attached to the SHORE. It is usually of solid
construction, as contrasted with the open pile construction usually
used for PIERS."
So yes, your reasoning is correct & that section of the coastline
that forms the quay could indeed be tagged "man_made=quay".
Yes, this is about what I had in mind:
- Either take a section of natural=coastline and overload it with
- Or draw a dedicated man_made=quay way on top of a natural=coastline
I have no idea which one would be best. I lean towards the first one
for easier editing - ways exactly on top of each other are difficult
to select.
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Off topic.
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Harbour#Quay .. is
dated .. 2008 or before .. 8 years ? proposed? Ridiculous! Abandoned ..
why? And what is used in its place? Very poor documentation - nothing
directly on why it failed.
One could also use waterway=quay or waterway=wharf. This would
associate it with a waterway, might be a natural feature (think of a
solid sandstone bank used as a wharf), or man made so why not waterway?
Does not sit with man_made=pier .. but those don't occur as natural
features? My thinking is to follow highway=* tagging where traffic
lights are tagged hightway=traffic_lights rather than
man_made=traffic_lights. This groups things together for a more logical
system of things that would be associated all in the one main tag.
As the coastline in some places is man made .. I'd much rather see
coastline as waterway=coastline rather than natural=coastline. This
comes back to my thoughts on OSM tagging philosophy/thinking/order ...
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